What percentage calculations we do not recommend to be mistaken at?

Although the percentage calculation is not complicated most times, almost anything can be confused in a hurry. If you just mistakenly “shift” the decimal point, the percentages will complicate your life. Fortunately, it is not always a disaster. Below we bring you life situations in which hurrying doesn’t pay off when calculating percentages.

Calculate the percentage of interest before signing the loan

Especially when negotiating a loan, we recommend converting percentages to a whole number. The percentage of interest is just a figure that doesn’t tell you much. By using percentage conversion, you can get a better idea of the final amount of interest. You can calculate percentages from your head, or you can use an online calculator. But be careful. The online converter only calculates the values you give it. Whether it is an annual or a semi-annual interest, you have to check for yourself. Just as you have to watch out for APR, which is also given in percentages and may easily exceed a seemingly nice interest rate.

Revenue is also given as a percentage

If you are investing or depositing money in a savings account, then logically you will be interested in yields. These are again given in percentages. In any case, it is better to recalculate percentages to an integer so that you can see if your investment is worth it at all.

You just won’t whip 12% cream

Although no online percentage calculator will help you with cooking, increased vigilance could when purchasing. Therefore, omit the numbers that an online calculator itself can handle for you and instead concentrate on putting a cream of the correct percentage into the basket. You just won’t whip 12% cream, even if you whipped at 200 %.

Beware of high percentage alcohol!

We have nothing to do with what you drink. We just want to recommend that if you take a higher dose of alcohol, it is better to omit any percent conversion. You better calculate how much per mille you have.

Whatever the percentages will cross your path, please welcome the help of our online percentage calculator to figure them up.